Mar 11, 2014 | Multidisciplinary Team, Smartphone App Improve Asthma Control in Kids
Study results show adherence to asthma medications improved in 85% of participants
Mar 06, 2014 | Fournier leads pharmacists on primary care teams in Navy medical homes
Multidisciplinary health care teams are the patient-centered answer to the future of medicine
Mar 05, 2014 | Medication Adherence Campaign Features Superhero
Take As Directed
Mar 04, 2014 | Who’s In Charge Here?
Fundamental Communication Skills Play an Integral Role in Medication Adherence
Mar 03, 2014 | Retail Medicine Syncs with High-Deductible Health Plans
The average diabetic will see their pharmacist perhaps 30 times a year and they will see their doctor three times a year.
Feb 28, 2014 | U.S. Lags Behind in Healthcare Innovation, Sebelius Says
“We live in a 21st century world with a 20th century delivery system."
Feb 27, 2014 | How Can HCPs Improve Patient Motivation to Adhere?
Lack of patient motivation is a major barrier to adherence
Feb 25, 2014 | Pharmacists Key to Improving Medication Reconciliation
Medication list errors decreased when pharmacists completed medication reconciliation
Feb 21, 2014 | Dangers of Not Taking Prescription Medicine Properly
Poor medication adherence takes the lives of 125,000 Americans annually & costs the health care system nearly $300 billion/year
Feb 20, 2014 | Will Healthcare Clear the Engagement Hurdle?
“Walk the walk” of being patient centric