The number one treatment plan for disease is medication therapy. Yet, pharmacy is disjointed from the patient care process, having been commercialized and commoditized. After prescribing the medication therapy, providers are typically out of the loop on whether the patient actually received the medication, is taking the medication as prescribed, or is experiencing harmful interactions. PharmaPoint helps providers close the care continuum by bringing pharmacy back to the point-of-care.
PharmaPoint provides turn-key pharmacy services, including:
No more multiple trips to the pharmacy each month. Our OnePoint medication synchronization program conveniently and cost-effectively manages all of a patient’s prescriptions. One Stop. One Fill. One Payment. Refills Made Easy.
We call it "chair-side delivery." For the patient's convenience, we offer free delivery of prescriptions, including specialty drugs, to patients receiving infusion treatments.
Our free iPhone and Android apps make it easy for users to manage their family's prescriptions, order refills, set medication reminders and find pharmacy information.
Our proprietary business intelligence and workflow management system, XchangePoint, integrates a provider’s EHR with the pharmacy system, and is key to providing effective bedside programs. – Read more