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PharmaPoint & Industry News

PharmaPoint in the news and related industry articles.

PharmaPoint in the News

Improving Care Coordination Throughout the Facility: A strategy to place the pharmacy at the point of care, ensuring that a pharmacist serves as an integral member of the patient-centered care team – Read article

Continuum of Care Through Pharmacies: A discussion with Mike Plaia, chief executive officer at PharmaPoint – Read article

Doctors Establishing Pharmacies Inside Practices to Make Patients’ Lives Easier: A pharmacy inside a doctor’s office proves advantageous for patients and relief for doctors – Read article

North Florida Hospital opens outpatient pharmacy: North Florida Hospital has recently opened a PharmaPoint point-of-care retail pharmacy within the facility. – Read article

Industry News

May 07, 2014 | Study: For better adherence, seniors need simpler medication regimens Read more: http://medcitynews
Our OnePoint Medication Synchronization Program - One Stop. One Fill. One Payment. Refills Made Easy.

May 06, 2014 | A Declaration of Independence Is Only the Beginning
Healthcare long overdue in implementing care management system better designed to deal w/complexity & increase reliability

May 02, 2014 | UNC Clinic Cuts Re-Admissions 65%
Key components of success: real-time care mgmt, improved access to care & content standardization in a multidisciplinary visit

May 02, 2014 | BBJ names C-Suite Award honorees
Top executives whose leadership has made a profound impact on their company

May 01, 2014 | Implications Of New Patient-Centric Business Model In Pharmaceutical Industry
What does the journey to patient-centricity look like for today's pharmaceutical companies?

Apr 30, 2014 | 4 Key Hospital Business Strategies for the World of Value-Based Care
As healthcare industry shifts from a focus on volume to value-based arrangements, hospitals & health systems must adapt

Apr 29, 2014 | Poor Medication Adherence Threatens Health of Californians
Med synch has potential to reduce administrative costs incurred by pharmacists & docs long term

Apr 28, 2014 | One in Three Patients Not Filling Prescriptions, Study Finds
Physicians Can Have Positive Impact on Primary Nonadherence